Cardiac arrest can strike anyone, anywhere, at any time. Only working accessible defibrillators save lives.

ZapStand creates Heartsafe Zones for everyone, everywhere all of the time. Excellence in quality, service, and innovation. Accountability in doing what we say we will do. Reliability and accessibility 24/7/365. Teaming effectively to save lives.

Our vision is to enable everyone to respond to cardiac arrest emergencies, saving lives through access to leading defibrillator technology, which is serviced and monitored 24/7/365.
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The use of AEDs in communities is associated with nearly doubling survival of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
As a leader in medical devices with a long history in cardiac care, we understand what you need in a cardiac emergency. You must react fast. You need easy-to-use equipment and the confidence to carry out the necessary steps.
With this in mind, we designed ZapStand AEDs with a simple step-by-step process designed to help you act confidently and decisively. Our AEDs help keeps you on track and guide you through the rescue process.
The ZapStand solution gives you the confidence to act quickly and decisively to save lives.
The ZapStand is a ‘smart’ Automated External Defibrillator (AED) delivery system with breakthrough life-saving technology built into each ZapStand unit. Reliability and accessibility 24/7/365, teaming effectively to save lives. The patented technologies in ZapStand has saved 72 lives.